With over six years of experience, she specializes in;
- Addiction (alcohol/drugs/toxic substances
- Pediatric psychiatry
- Adolescent psychiatry
- Adult psychiatry
- Mood disorders
How do you schedule an appointment and talk with a Psychiatrist in Nairobi, Kenya?
Use the link to sign-up/send an SMS and speak to our nurses to set up an appointment with the psychiatrist.
- https://kenya22.mypocketdoctor.com/
- Click on the Talk to a doctor now button.
- Our team of nurses will call you back.
- Keep your line open and internet on as the nurse will call you back (on either a phone call or WhatsApp)
- The nurse will schedule an appointment and inform you when the psychiatrist will be available.
Who are we, and how are we impacting Kenyan life positively?
We are My Pocket Doctor introducing Telemedicine in Kenya.
Thanks to technological advancement, patients today don’t need to visit hospitals every time they get sick. We can get you connected with doctors on a phone/ device with an internet connection!
Today, doctors are just a call away, and prescribing the right antibiotics and treatment has never been more convenient. Unlike in the past, where you had to visit a doctor/hospital for minor issues, you can now consult a doctor within a few minutes.
Why is My Pocket doctor better than physical (in-person) consultations in Kenya?
- Consultation is done from the comfort of your home/office.
- Cheaper fees than visiting a doctor/hospital physically.
- No costs of traveling.
- Eradicates hurdles of taking a sick individual to the hospital, only for the doctor to prescribe medicine/rest
- We enable clients to talk to a doctor at any time and from anywhere. (You can consult with the doctor even if you are not in the country).
- Our service is available for anyone with a Smartphone and can access – Mpesa for payment.
Why is My Pocket Doctor more helpful today than ever before?
We all know about the current global pandemic and how it has affected everyone. In such challenging times, we want to ensure people minimize unnecessary exposure by making healthcare easily accessible. We also have doctors who are in isolation/quarantine, still able to carry out medical consultations and send out prescriptions without physically meeting their patients.
We know that one can get hospital-acquired infections and get exposed to Covid-19. There’s already so much traffic caused by the road constructions going on. Many have lost jobs and had to cut back on health insurance, yet the need for quality healthcare has increased.
If you had the option to speak to a doctor on the phone/going to a hospital for medical consultation, what would you do?
Current statistics imply that COVID 19 can be severe in people with other pre-existing conditions/compromised immunity and those advanced in age.
What do Kenyan people think of our services?
The link below has testimonials from our clients. Enjoy